

午前 4時32分 / 4:32 am

虫たちが目覚め始める 16分前
部屋の中に 月の光が差していた

生きている事に ありがとう

けっこう 面白い


16 minutes before the bugs started waking up
The moonlight was shining in the room

Right here on earth
At this moment
Thank you for being alive

Life is a journey.
It's quite interesting

赤穂で365日 / 365 days in AKO



A year has passed since I moved from Kobe to Ako (Sakoshi), and thanks to the beautiful natural environment and the support of the people, I am now slowly recovering from my once serious health condition. I have never felt the importance of health as much as I do now, and since then I have been making changes to my daily life to put my health first, which I believe will be a very good turning point for my future life.

In the coming year, my health will continue to be my number one priority, but I would like to take a new step forward even more than when I was in Kobe, and I believe that I will be able to lead an interesting future. I hope that your days from now will be more fulfilling than ever before. Please stay healthy and energetic every day.


全日本ジムカーナ選手権に想う / Thoughts on the All Japan Gymkhana Championship

公式Webサイト に 掲載しました。
It has been posted on the official website.
This is a perfect example of what gymkhana should be like.




現在、GRAとして、ジムカーナ競技の開催は行なっていませんが、いつか機会が来れば、改造レベルを抑えた車両で、初心者でも完走できる“おおらかな” 設定のコースで、純粋にライディング技術と車両のセットアップ技術を競い、一緒に楽しみたいと願っています。

Considering that motorcycles face more social prejudice than cars, and especially if they have license plates, we believe that the basic vehicle should be a normal vehicle in appearance and engine, etc.

Currently, GRA is not holding gymkhana competitions, but if the opportunity arises, we would like to compete purely in riding technique and vehicle setup technique on a course with a minimal level of modification and a "generous" setting that even beginners can complete, and have fun together.



昨夜の夢、悪夢の教訓 / Lessons from a nightmare




I had a dream last night (early morning).

The president of the company I've worked for for 22 years came in and told me that I'd forgotten how to deal with clients. He's not the type to yell, but he does put pressure on me by mixing logic and sarcasm, so naturally, I was flustered.

I quickly gathered the order form and related documents and headed to the client's place, and on the way there I ended up going to the president's house, which was close to the client's house. However, the house turned out to be my parents' house. (It's a very incoherent story.)

急いで駅に向かって、電車に乗ったら、なぜか新幹線でした。そして、着いた駅は、実家のすぐ近くにある 田舎の無人駅でした。

I hurried to the station and got on the train, but for some reason it was a Shinkansen. And the station I arrived at was an unmanned station in the countryside, very close to my parents' house. 

汗を拭きつつ 社長の家(僕の実家)に入ると、どこかで見た事がある人達が大勢いましたが、肝心の社長は不在で、言い訳と対応策を考えていると、聞き覚えのある女性の声で「どうしたの?」と言われたので、振り返ると、身長 155㎝ ほど、ストレートのおかっぱ頭で、肌の色が濃い銀色の、どこかで見覚えのある女性でした。

僕も、少なからず 理屈で人に依頼したり 説得する事が多く、知らずしらずの内に 圧力を掛けてしまっている事があります。でも、決して良い事ではありません。


Wiping the sweat off my face, I entered the president's house (my parents' house). There were many people there that I had seen before, but the president himself was not there. As I was thinking of an excuse and a countermeasure, I heard a familiar female voice say, "What's wrong?" I turned around and saw a woman who looked familiar, about 155 cm tall with dark silver skin.

Then I woke up from my dream and thought, "I've got to stop putting pressure on people." I too often ask or persuade people with logic, and sometimes I put pressure on them without realizing it. But it's never a good thing.

I apologize to anyone reading this who has been pressured by me.
I will reflect on this and be more careful in the future.

夏が花壇に咲きました / Summer has bloomed in the flower bed



It is the rainy season in Japan. Heavy rains have caused various floods in various places, but even under the sky that shows no sign of ending the rainy season, summer is blooming in my flower bed.

そのトップバッターは、このひと月で一気に伸びて、背丈が 1.5m にもなっている 「アメリカセンダングサ」です。キク科の植物らしい黄色い花を咲かせて、一見、可愛らしく見えますが、実際は違います。水田付近などでもよく見掛けるのですが、大食漢で一気に伸びる事から、周りの草花の栄養を奪ってしまう外来種で、農家の方からは嫌われているようです。 という訳で、僕も、明日、別れを伝える予定です。

First, I would like to introduce "American Bidens" which has grown rapidly in the past month and is now 1.5m tall. It blooms yellow flowers typical of plants in the Asteraceae family and looks cute at first glance, but in reality it is not. It is an invasive species that is a voracious eater and grows rapidly, robbing the surrounding plants of their nutrients. I plan to tell him tomorrow that I want to break up with him.

次は、昨年は見掛けなかった新顔・「オニユリ」です。これも花季が 7~8月の 夏の花で、その根っこに「ムカゴ」をつける植物です。だから、「ムカゴ」の収穫期が楽しみです。

Next is a newcomer that I didn't see last year: the tiger lily. This is also a summer flower that blooms in July and August, and it is a plant that produces bulbils at its roots. So I'm looking forward to the bulbil harvest season.

最後は、初めて知った「ヤブミョウガ」です。前の二人が比較的開けた場所を好む様ですが、これは 名前の通り、日陰の木漏れ日が差す場所が好みとの事。 僕のイメージですね。

The last one is "wild ginger", which I learned about for the first time. The previous two seem to prefer relatively open areas, but this one, as its name suggests, prefers shady places where sunlight filters through the trees. It's just like my image.

動画編集を再開、しかし ・・ / I have resumed video editing, but...


I've been gradually recovering from my extreme illness, so I've recently resumed video editing, but I'm making a lot of mistakes and the work isn't going as well as I'd hoped.


記録を確認すると、2022年、約2年前で動画の作成は止まっていました。それ以前からかなりハードな作業を自分自身に課し続けて、徐々に息切れを感じ始めていた頃です。2023年になり、事務局(住居)移転計画に注力していた頃、心不全で入院する程になり、7月に引越しはしたものの、定期的に発作は続くため、完全に療養モードに切り替えざるを得ず、最近になり、少しずつ PC作業を増やしていく中、動画編集再開に挑戦したのですが ...失敗だらけです。
屋外での路面清掃活動は身体にとってはストレスで、体調不良や発作の原因になりますが、PC作業も 意外に大きなストレスになっている事を発見しました。特に、記事や解説図作成など、創造的作業が連日続くと、耐える「耐力」が不足していて、身体の症状に表われるのに手を焼いています。 でも、回復させる楽しみは覚えてきたので、身長に、ストレスにならない様に、少しずつ作業量を増やして、やっと動画編集まで辿り着いたのです。 が、やってしまいました。 失敗してしまいました。2本の動画編集を同時に進めていたのですが、片方の動画を保存の際、誤って残りの片方に “上書き” 保存してしまったのです。 はい!、苦心して進めた編集作業の成果が消えてしまいました。



In 2023, when I was focusing on planning the relocation of the office, I was in such a bad condition that I was hospitalized with heart failure. Although I moved in July, I continued to have regular attacks, so I switched to a complete recuperation mode. Recently, as I gradually increased my PC work, I tried to resume video editing, but I failed a lot.

Outdoor street cleaning activities are stressful for the body and cause poor health and attacks, but I discovered that PC work is also a surprisingly big stress. In particular, when creative work such as writing articles and explanatory diagrams continues day after day, I lack the "endurance" to endure, and I am having trouble with the physical symptoms. However, I have learned the fun of recovering, so I gradually increased the amount of work so as not to stress myself, and finally made it to video editing. But I did it. I failed. I was editing two videos at the same time, and when saving one video, I accidentally "overwrote" the other one. Yes! The results of my painstaking editing work have disappeared.

This is also a lesson to be learned. When working at the edge of your capabilities, you need to be mindful of the risks. Now, without regretting the lost edited video, I am working on it when I'm feeling better, aiming to make an even better video than the last time.
Please look forward to it.

今日出逢った言葉 / Words I came across today


「微笑めば世界は一緒に微笑み、泣けば 一人で泣く
   笑顔で考えよう」 です


Think with smile 「笑顔で考えよう」を加えました


Sometimes I feel down and lost,
so I was looking for an escape route and came across a good quote.

When I think about it, maybe my only good point is my smile.
So it's no wonder I get depressed when I forget to smile.

So I added "Think with smile" to the end of this commonly said quote.
This should help me feel less lost.